Colon Hydrotherapy (aka colonic, colon irrigation). Supports the hydration of the colon and helps with issues of occasional constipation.
The colon, which is the end of the digestive system, is 5-6 feet long with many pockets and turns along the way. It is an FDA-approved preparation for colonoscopy.
Colon hydrotherapy is the introduction of warm, filtered and temperature/pressure-regulated water into the colon. The water softens and loosens waste resulting in evacuation through natural peristalsis. This process is repeated several times during the session.
Simply put, colon hydrotherapy is all about hydrating the colon for the elimination function to occur naturally. Colon hydrotherapy is absolutely safe when provided by a properly trained, certified therapist, using FDA registered equipment.
Talk to your healthcare provider to see if Colon Hydrotherapy is right for you!
**Please print & fill out the following forms prior to your scheduled appointment:
Colon Hydrotherapy - Consent Form / Waiver
Holistic Harmony - Policy & Procedures